Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Promises and Principles from Palm Sunday

"God said it. I believe it. That settles it."

PALM Sunday Service Notes

1. The Miracle of  Timing. Matthew 21:4-7
The Promise - The Word of God is sure... It can be trusted.

2. The Miracle of Taming. Matthew 21:1-8
The Principle - God has every detail of our lives ready to unfold but our obedience CANNOT  be dependent on knowing all details.

3. The Multitude Triumphant. Matthew 21:9-11
The Principle - We are privileged  to worship Jesus, not Jesus is privileged to have our woship.

4. The Moment of Tenderness. Luke 19:41
The Promise - A heart tender and broken for the lost will result in a harvest that brings rejoicing.

Psalm 126:6 (NIV) He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.

5. The Master in the Temple. Matthew 21:12-17

The Principle -  When our priorities are wrong Jesus loves us enough to turn us "right side up." (Even though it seems he is turning our lives upside down.)

** Notes provided by LIFE Church.
Vist (Media) to see a video of the service with complete information. **


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